Thursday, September 30, 2010

Tomorrow, tomorrow, i love ya tomorrow, your only a day away.
Put your hand on your heart and cross your eyes. Spider snakes and lizards heads. If i tattle tale i'll die till i'm dead.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

just becasue

i am so excited.
if only november came after september.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

a life time of knowldege

i have a stack of vocab words three inches high.
did you know that vasodilator is when your blood vessels enlarge allowing more blood to pass from your heart to your lungs? i did.
and i know all sorts of other things too.
its like i'm in medical school or something.
i love it.

Monday, September 27, 2010

i don't want to call.

lately i've been thinking about being a nurse who goes around to the maturation programs and tells kids all about the horrible things that are about to happen to them. i don't know why, there is just something very satisfying about telling kids all about that kind of stuff. i talk to janna and her friends about it all the time, and i enjoy it very much.
call me crazy.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Its all about the kool-aid mustaches.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Popcorn flavored jelly beans. It is no where near the same.
Popcorn flavored jelly beans. It is no where near the same.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

i made this for you.

can this day get any better?
(please insert a sarcastic tone.)

one thing you should know about me is that i'm tactless. i've been told numerous times. and sometimes it can bite me in the butt.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The world better prepare for when i'm a billionaire

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

the brain thats turned to mush.

today i got a 19 on the practice ACT test.
and when i got home i had to write a paper.
its awful.

and i write my whole essay on the fridge.

Monday, September 20, 2010

101 reasons.

1. because today is monday.
2. because texting amberly is free.
3. because luke pushed jess in a lake.
4. because aerobics is hard.
5. because i don't have math homework.
6. because haley drove today.
7. because kendall makes cupcakes.
8. becasue megan tells funny stories.
9. because amberly is coming home in two weeks.
10. becasue of gilmore girls.
11. because of my shoes.
12. because popcorn is great.
13. becasue jeffrey wont sit by brooklyn
14. because madi has boy handwritting.
15. because he deserves to go with a hattie women.
16. because of red nail polish.
17. because of waterbottles.
18. because of jessica.
19. because i saw natalie.
20. because jan can never find the car.
21. because i named my plant plantie.
22. because linsdey sat with us at lunch.
23. because kendall threw a pen at mckay.
24. because of his hair.
25. because of white collar.
26. because of the smells of fall.
27. because julie did something stupid.
28. because i am taking the ACT.
29. because i might have a job.
30. because of breakfast essentials.
31. becasue of newman.
32. because of how deep kylie is.
33. because me and janna are best friends.
34. because i made a present for emily.
35. because sydnee texts me awesome things.
36. because mom came home.
37. because lacey parts her hair down the middle.
38. because zoe always wears high heels.
39. because working out can make your whole day better.
40. because we worked our abs.
41. because harry and ginny end up together in the end.
42. because danny and kirsten are together.
43. because i'm going to mi rancheto for dinner.
44. because of the verde frog.
45. because of haunted elementry schools.
46. because of playgrounds.
47. because of jcw's.
48. because of snickers.
49. because i only have so much gas left.
50. because jan got me my blanket.
51. because my ctr ring glows in the dark.
52. becasue i understand physics.
53. because we are creepers.
54. because i own galoshes.
55. becasue of peeta.
56. because somethings are so akward there funny.
57. because i cut myself shaving.
58. because of chris james.
59. because of the color blue.
60. because spirit team has spirit.
61. because tootsie rools are so good.
62. because me and erin like to eat with our feet up.
63. because my keyboared is freaking out.
64. because i love seminary.
65. because i can draw stars.
66. because of heath ledger.
67. because who doesn't want a little bit of perfect?
68. because of miss. saigon.
69. because of conditioner.
70. because i only have two followers.
71. because i wrote twice on saturday.
72. because of usnavy.
73. because theres something about love.
74. because i wish i was a ganster.
75. because of manana.
76. because survivor started.
77. because como la flor.
78. because harry potter is soon.
79. becaue i get to wear my new jacket soon.
80. because i fall down the stairs.
81. becasue i''m going to school in logan.
82. because bishop said i'm fun to be with.
83. because songs get stuck in your head.
84. because its always the bad part stuck in your head.
85. because dreams are so strange.
86. because i have a huge canker.
87. because i don't have braces.
88. because practice tests.
89. because i blast my radio.
90. because i have no skills.
91. because i'm just writing lines from a song no one knows.
92. because the heights gets me in the mood for spanish.
93. because me and lindsey are going to have a party.
94. because kendall likes musicals too.
95. because i act like i'm four all the time.
96. because i watch shows with mm and dad.
97. because i sit in the corner.
98. becasue this post is long.
99. becasue i like chalk.
100. because i want to go to argintina.
101. becasue its monday.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Saturday, September 18, 2010

I signed up for the act yesterday and i felt old. Today i had a job interview. I felt old. To make up for it i did immature things for the rest of the day.

in love i think.

i am possibly going to buy this.
its a wall poster.
go check it out.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Today the school had a blood drive. How i wishi was seventeen so i could give blood. Six months. I'm counting down the days.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

all hail to you old pg high
for you, our banners in the sky

our colors white and blue,
and what they mean to you,
we'll shout and sing
'til echoes ring
we'll shout and sing
for pg high school.

we are the sons of old pg.
onward and upward we soar.
(we soar!)

here is a song to old pg,
sing to her ever more,
(ever more!)

whether defeat or VICTORY!
we'll never weep, pine or sigh,
for we're all one together
loyal o our team
sons of old pg high!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

its been one of those days.

the good news is these babies are now mine.

you have every right to be jealous

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

That was my abuela she's not really my abuela. But she practicaly raised me, this corner is her escuela.

Monday, September 13, 2010

are you old enough to be likeing a boy?

i hate seating charts in spanish.
i like that newman is so chill.
and funny.
and i like his weird gotee thing.
i like that me and kendall can be creepers together.
and everytime i see wyatt duclous i think of the time he told kendall that that was his older brothers name.
i like going to madi's for lunch,
and eating cereal.
sometimes  i just like to drive by myself.
when i don't have to listen to anyone talk,
or worry about why something weird is happening because jeffrey's pounding something.
gilmore girls makes me miss amberly.
white sauce looks like infection.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

sunday ponderings.

yesterday i was feeling weird.
i felt sick, i felt tired, i felt sad,
i couldn't figure out what was going on.
around 5 my friend lacey texted me and asked me if i was at home.
i said i was, because clearly i have no life, and she told me that she was bringing me something.
she came to my house, and gave me a note.
she said she had been cleaning her room and found it, and felt prompted to bring it to me.
it was one of the most beautiful, amazing notes i have ever recived.
for personal reasons i wont write it on my blog, but it was about how i had been an answer to lacey's prayer.
i was so moved, and touched by it.
i realized, that her note had been an answer to one of my unspoken prayers, and i started to cry.
which, if you know me, doesn't happen very often.
i just wanted to take this time to tell everyone that there prayers will be answered.
maybe it wont be the way we thought,
with a clear respons from our heavenly father,
but by one of our heavenly fathers children.
i know that i was an answer to lacey's prayer, and i'm grateful that heavenly father could trust me enough to have me answer her prayer.
lacey definantly answered my prayer, and i'm so grateful to her.
if you don't feel ike your prayers are being answered, keep praying.
because they will.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Clearly i should have never left beehives because i am still as immature as they are.

Friday, September 10, 2010

so dance dance like its the last last night of your life.

how was today?
oh yeah.
it sucked.
this morning i could not find my swimsuit bottoms. they were no where.
they weren't in my room, they weren't in the laundry room, they weren't in the car, they were'nt at haleys.
i could not find them.
i needed them for water aerobics.
i thought i would start cussing when i realized i'd forgotten my spanish.
i got to school late, and all of the parking spots were taken so i had to park at the pool.
which i was going to do anyway, but i still would like the option.
math sucked.
physics sucked. but i did get 100% on my quiz. that almost brought my day up.
water aerobics was cold and unfun.
i looked like poop after.
i went home, and i learned i shouldn't drive when i'm in a bad mood, because aperantly i get some ridicoulous road rage.
i couldn't find anything i wanted at the boutique.
i honked at a kid who was crossing the street when the light was green.
its a good thing that i have no trouble buying food.
i bought a baby bottle pop, and now i am feeling the day pick up.
just a little.
well, at least its friday.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

sweet hour of prayer.

today i played the piano in seminary.
was i prepared?
i thought so.
but apperantly not.
lets hope i get some major blessings for that.
also, as of today, i will be writing everyday.
its for the excellence program.
we're suposed to write in our journals everyday.
but i don't know where my journal is,
and i think this is as close as i'm ever going to come at keeping a consistant journal.
so, drop in.
there will be some little random thought ery day.
my treat.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

tap tap revenge

todays list.
yesterday i cleaned my car.
its so clean.
i didn't want to drive in it because its so clean.
in math i was brainless.
i think that i left my brain at home.
physics reminds me of problem solving,
only harder.
and with weirdos.
water zumba.
if you've never done it, go find an instructor because that was the most intense workout of my life.
me and jess get in fights at the pool.
she takes me down.
tyler smith.
if you don't love him, you fail at life.
grilled cheese and barbaque chips are oh so life sustaining.
escpecially after 80 minutes of water zumba.
mrs. r rocks.
thats not even a joke.
she has nice hair and says amusing things like, "this man is the reason swear words were put on earth."
the power of one is a sad movie.
me and haley imagine weird things like being called at your grandmas, and driving with your hands instead of feet.
my horn is pathetic.
it makes mckay laugh.
when i drive home i try to be ganster to embarass jeffrey.
clearly i am white trash.
i've used the same 10 verbs on all of my spanish homework.
newman makes history my favorite class.
i like being called cam.
this day was such a weird day.
i am craving kneaders eclairs.
for young women i'm going to shoot some guns.
i'm not sure how safe that is.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

i left my heart in idaho.

we took amberly up to idaho.
up to where its freezing every day.
and where she's a million miles away.
and its hard because she's my best friend.
and she took all her clothes.
except her blue t-shirt which i stole because whenever i wear it good things happen to me, and i think of my big sister.
plus, when is she going to wear it up there?

Thursday, September 2, 2010

love cammie.

Dear summer,
how i miss your wonderful summeresness.
i miss the late nights that i spent talking on haleys grass about nothing.
i miss eating popsicles and not having to wear shoes.
i miss not having to have a scheduale,
and not having to wear makeup, or do my hair.
i miss the wonderful freedom of nothingness you granted me with.
i will see you next year,
and come sooner,
love cammie.

Dear falll, (and included, school.)
for august 25th i wrote on my calender, 'The day of death. (school starts.)'
this isn't even an exsateragtion.
school brings nothing but the horrible need to dress yourself in clothes you don't even like because others have deemed them suitable.
but school, this year i'm deeming something suitable.
every day i am wearing  a t-shirt.
i don't care if you think they look grungy.
and also, please school, if you could be so kind, please go by fast.
i would love to have my junior year under my belt as soon as possible.
no more of the month long week things.
i want to be suprised that its friday.
that would be wonderful.
love cammie.

Dear kendall.
i miss you.
it seems like we have no classes together this year.
and the one we do have is mared by the presence of that someone that you have grown abnormaly close to. don't get me wrong i love that person, but sometimes our attidutes clash. and i find it hard to be around her. and when you are with her, i don't really want to talk to you very much. and i want to tell you but haley says that it would cause unnessicary drama, but i don't think it would be like that.
i think you would take it very stoikly. because you always told me to be honest with you. and this is something that has been bugging me.
also, i miss you as a venting pal.
haley is NOT a good person to vent too, because she always says that it will be okay if we just leave it alone.
all i need is for someone to say that they agree with me.
but, its hard to vent to your venting pal when they're the one you need to vent about.
its awful.
i might tell you.
love cammie.

Dear mommy.
i love you so much.
i wish that i could celebrate you everyday.
i wish i could write in the clouds how much i love you.
i wish i could cook all the meals, and clean all the dishes, but i don't want to.
i wish i could tell you in words how much you mean to me.
i'm so grateful to everything you do for me.
i love you.
love cammie.

Dear cammie.
just keep pushing.
it will be okay.
someday you will look back on these days and think about how much they helped you grow.
even if today didn't seem like one of them.
love cammie.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

school does weird things to us.

today i felt things falling out of my head.
like the ablility to do math.
and the ability to write my name.
and aparently i'm not going to college, but i'm going to marry some rich guy right out of highschool.
thanks for that madi.
sometimes i feel like pounding peoples heads together.
two people in particular.
and i sometimes i get texts from my dad.
they cause me to laugh.
and i get my head bit off.
by a dragon.
and i hate the kids in my english class that bring coke and fruit snacks and don't share with me.
and i have officially forgotten how to change the colors on my blog.
death to school i say.