1. because today is monday.
2. because texting amberly is free.
3. because luke pushed jess in a lake.
4. because aerobics is hard.
5. because i don't have math homework.
6. because haley drove today.
7. because kendall makes cupcakes.
8. becasue megan tells funny stories.
9. because amberly is coming home in two weeks.
10. becasue of gilmore girls.
11. because of my shoes.
12. because popcorn is great.
13. becasue jeffrey wont sit by brooklyn
14. because madi has boy handwritting.
15. because he deserves to go with a hattie women.
16. because of red nail polish.
17. because of waterbottles.
18. because of jessica.
19. because i saw natalie.
20. because jan can never find the car.
21. because i named my plant plantie.
22. because linsdey sat with us at lunch.
23. because kendall threw a pen at mckay.
24. because of his hair.
25. because of white collar.
26. because of the smells of fall.
27. because julie did something stupid.
28. because i am taking the ACT.
29. because i might have a job.
30. because of breakfast essentials.
31. becasue of newman.
32. because of how deep kylie is.
33. because me and janna are best friends.
34. because i made a present for emily.
35. because sydnee texts me awesome things.
36. because mom came home.
37. because lacey parts her hair down the middle.
38. because zoe always wears high heels.
39. because working out can make your whole day better.
40. because we worked our abs.
41. because harry and ginny end up together in the end.
42. because danny and kirsten are together.
43. because i'm going to mi rancheto for dinner.
44. because of the verde frog.
45. because of haunted elementry schools.
46. because of playgrounds.
47. because of jcw's.
48. because of snickers.
49. because i only have so much gas left.
50. because jan got me my blanket.
51. because my ctr ring glows in the dark.
52. becasue i understand physics.
53. because we are creepers.
54. because i own galoshes.
55. becasue of peeta.
56. because somethings are so akward there funny.
57. because i cut myself shaving.
58. because of chris james.
59. because of the color blue.
60. because spirit team has spirit.
61. because tootsie rools are so good.
62. because me and erin like to eat with our feet up.
63. because my keyboared is freaking out.
64. because i love seminary.
65. because i can draw stars.
66. because of heath ledger.
67. because who doesn't want a little bit of perfect?
68. because of miss. saigon.
69. because of conditioner.
70. because i only have two followers.
71. because i wrote twice on saturday.
72. because of usnavy.
73. because theres something about love.
74. because i wish i was a ganster.
75. because of manana.
76. because survivor started.
77. because como la flor.
78. because harry potter is soon.
79. becaue i get to wear my new jacket soon.
80. because i fall down the stairs.
81. becasue i''m going to school in logan.
82. because bishop said i'm fun to be with.
83. because songs get stuck in your head.
84. because its always the bad part stuck in your head.
85. because dreams are so strange.
86. because i have a huge canker.
87. because i don't have braces.
88. because practice tests.
89. because i blast my radio.
90. because i have no skills.
91. because i'm just writing lines from a song no one knows.
92. because the heights gets me in the mood for spanish.
93. because me and lindsey are going to have a party.
94. because kendall likes musicals too.
95. because i act like i'm four all the time.
96. because i watch shows with mm and dad.
97. because i sit in the corner.
98. becasue this post is long.
99. becasue i like chalk.
100. because i want to go to argintina.
101. becasue its monday.
i like this post, especially because i knew all the secret words to the songs.
I like "because mom came home." I wish you'd come home soon. You're at the ACT class and I kind of miss you.
I sell glow-in-the-dark CTR rings, and this totally made me laugh!
i love the fact that one of the comments is from a random website and it is so totally personal
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