Wednesday, February 27, 2013

expecto patronum v.2

I would think of the time I called you, and sat outside on the benches in front of my building and talked to you for hours.
I would think of the time we "studied" outside.
I would think of the time I completed the last math homework assignment i'll ever have to do.
I would think of the time we sat in my room and just talked about life.
I would think about the first time you ever went laser tagging.
I would think about the time we went to walmart, and I was in my pajamas, but you didn't care.
I would think about all of the times you drove around campus listening to my favorite music until I was tired enough to fall asleep.
I would think about the first time you put your arm around me.
I would think about the night we spent talking in my room because we hadn't seen each other for months.
I would think of the time I woke you up because I had a bad dream.
I would think of the time we watched the last two seasons of chuck together.
I would think of the time you shared your testimony with me, and I cried.
I would think about all of the prayers i've ever muttered in anger, and your patience with me.
I would think of the time we went to JCW's and talked about growing up, and how it isn't as scary as it seems.
I would think about the time you gave me a blessing.
I would think about the time we watched perks of being a wallflower twice in a row.
I would think about the time we drove to cedar, and spent the day in your city.
I would think of all of the blessings i've been showered with.
I would think of that song.
I would think about the time you stayed up with me almost all night because I wasn't tired, and I had so much to talk about.
I would think about the time you took me to denny's because I was frustrated.
I would think of our friendship rings.
I would think about how excited I was to give you christmas.
I would think about that dream.
I would think about the time we had a sleep over and crochet in the bathroom to hide from my stalker.
I would think of being top in my class.
I would think about the stars at dixie rock.
I would think about all the lesson's i've learned in the past two years, even the hard ones. Especially the hard ones.

volume one here.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

carrot cauliflower and a dingoberry.

Time you enjoy wasting, is not wasted. 

It's waking up when sara gets home from dance.
It's reading in Isaiah and having no clue what's happening. 
It's wasting sticky notes on funny sayings.
It's laughing at nothing, and plans to start a cupcake truck.
It's talking to all three of my siblings on the same day.
It's celebrating the people I love, and their birth.
It's hunting for lizards.
It's long weekends and good music. 
It's texting him nonsense. 
It's wearing stolen socks for good luck.
It's instagram stalking instead of doing homework.
It's eating fruit snacks that are soft as jelly.
It's holding cuddly babies.
It's lego star wars and Bang.
It's throwing a perfect cylinder.
It's never having to throw another cylinder. 
It's notecards and highlighters. 
It's the vitamin D in the air.
It's my skin a little tanner. 
It's fresh laundry. 
It's honolulu grill, and hotel transylvania.
It's hiding on the floor during an "earthquake."
It's life, and it's so good. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Humble pie? oh. I ate it instead.

Every once and a while I need a reminder that i'm awesome. 
This is the best one of my entire life. 
Top of my anatomy class? 
I'll take that, and i'll brag about it. 

Also, i'm procrastinating my english paper. 
I don't want to smoke everyone. 

Monday, February 11, 2013

simply happy

i'm so thankful for FaceTime, 
and siblings. 
they're pretty cool too. 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

I'm thankfulf for my dip's mip's and pip's

welcome to anatomy where you are forced to face your fears. 
fear number 1: scaring people away because you smell like a dead body. 
fear number 2: eyes in general. i see cadavers eyes all the time. i even saw someone touch one without passing out. (I will never touch it. not even if you gave me all the money in the world.)
fear number 3: taking a class that will take all of your time. (i'm even studying when i watch the bachelor. sad time's when your guilty pleasure show gets taken over by school.)

did this post even makes sense?
anatomy rocks my socks and closed toed shoes. 
we have to wear closed toed shoes because my teacher doesn't want cadaver remains to get on our little toes. thats cool. i don't like my shoes anyways.