Wednesday, February 20, 2013

carrot cauliflower and a dingoberry.

Time you enjoy wasting, is not wasted. 

It's waking up when sara gets home from dance.
It's reading in Isaiah and having no clue what's happening. 
It's wasting sticky notes on funny sayings.
It's laughing at nothing, and plans to start a cupcake truck.
It's talking to all three of my siblings on the same day.
It's celebrating the people I love, and their birth.
It's hunting for lizards.
It's long weekends and good music. 
It's texting him nonsense. 
It's wearing stolen socks for good luck.
It's instagram stalking instead of doing homework.
It's eating fruit snacks that are soft as jelly.
It's holding cuddly babies.
It's lego star wars and Bang.
It's throwing a perfect cylinder.
It's never having to throw another cylinder. 
It's notecards and highlighters. 
It's the vitamin D in the air.
It's my skin a little tanner. 
It's fresh laundry. 
It's honolulu grill, and hotel transylvania.
It's hiding on the floor during an "earthquake."
It's life, and it's so good. 

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