Friday, September 2, 2011

why i blog

i've never really been one to blog about deep topics. i mostly stick to lists, or vauge descriptions of what i've been up to lately, along with some pictures and random quotes. i've never been able to sit at my computer and just write. don't get me wrong, i can sit and write about everything forever. my journal is filled with long entriesthat i sat and wrote for hours. but for some reason my blog has always been different. even before i started cluing people in to the fact that i had this small blog, i mostly just did short, meaningless posts, or else huge posts full of pictures that no one really cares about.
so today while i was looking at the blogs that i truly love reading, like this blog, i asked myself why i blog. the truth is, i really don't know. i just do. and sometimes when i think about erasing this blog, i think about all the times i would get really excited to blog about something. so i don't. and i just keep blogging about nothing. and i probably will for ever. or until blogs are put on the back burnner to something else that satisfies the stalking world.
so, stalk on my friends. for i will continue to blog aboutt nothing, and it will be brilliant.
i've decided that my 25th follower will get something very exciting. so if you just read my blog for the joy of being a stalker, let me know, and i'll get you a reward of some kind. because that is how i work.
have a nice friday.


brooklyn rose said...

oh wow.
i love this post.
you're blog is the best.
and i'm open to saying that I STALK IT!
but you already knew that ;)

Unknown said...

dearest cammie,
i dont care
when i like your blog
more than my own
it is good
(cockyness not intended)
also remeber
this isn't for the readers
its for you
do with it what you will