Saturday, September 3, 2011

show tune saturday night

lets be honest.
i love musicals.
so therefore my blog needs some sort of tribute to musicals.
so, from this saturday till the end of time, or until i run out  of musicals to highlight, saturday shall from thence be called show tune saturday night.
today's musical: evita.
this magnificent musical written by Andrew Loyd Weber takes place in Argentina. its all about a lower class girl named eva climbing the social ladder of argentine aristocracy. she sleeps her way to the very top, a gentleman named peron, who is an ambitious military leader. with the help of his new bride, eva, now dubbed evita, he becomes the president of argentina.
this musical has the perfect blend of a love story while making a bold political statement.
the songs are wonderful, with humous lines that will make you want to sing along.
i recommend listening to the movie version with Antonio Banderes as the narrator, and Madonna playing Evita.
if you listen to this musical you will feel cultured.
happy listening.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i definently feel cultured when i watch that show. also it makes me laugh that i know people who were evita in the wax museum and they didn't even know the whole story.