Friday, November 5, 2010

more on that later.

isn't it interesting how just when you need it most, our dear heavenly father will send us that little inspiration that keeps us pushing.
thank you to lacey for writting me notes that fill me with joy and hope.
thank you to kendall for texting me random uplifting texts.
thank you to lindsey for getting me to the temple were i had amazing things happen.
also, a thank you to lindsey for introduceing me to a blog that lifted my spirits, even though i never would have guessed.
thank you to amberly who is the greatest example of anyone i've ever meet. if you want to make it to the celestial kingdom, just do whatever amberlys doing. plus i made a count down to count down when seh gets home. i love her that much.
thank you to nate for giving me things, such as free shirts and viking braclets.
thank you to whoever invented "How i Meet your mother" i haven't laughed so hard since i watched all the episodes of "Friends"
thank you to my mommy who provides me withh all the episodes of "Friends" "How i Meet Your Mother" "Gimore Girls," and is starting to add to our collection of "Friday Night Lights" and "Smallville"
thank you to stacey squires who busts my butt in aerobics. i will miss that class.
thank you to everyone who is planning sadies for me. i'm only incharge of dinner and that is easy. i'm a natural deligator.
thank you to all of my family. all of you are such great examples to me. i'm grateful for the things you do for me, and for all of the ways you bless my life.
i love you all.

1 comment:

The Hurst Family said...

Love you Cammie. Thanks for sharing your thoughts in your blog.