Tuesday, April 27, 2010

remember the days when you didn't have to wear makeup?
when your clothes didn't need to match,
when you didn't even brush your hair,
when shoes were constantly being left out of things,
when your feet were tough enough to run across the rockiest roads,
when there were bike races,
and bugs to catch,
and dirt to eat?

remember when you were best friends if you had the same color of popcicle?
when you didn't have to call to play, just show up at their house,
when walking wasn't that bad,
when dandilions were the prettiest flower,
when boys had coooties,
when band-aids made everything better,
and playing in the sprinklers,
and drawing with chalk?

remember when you were a kid, and you wanted to grow up so fast?
well, i've got news for all the kids out there.
being grown up is not everything you think it might be.
ive learned that, and i'm still growing.


The Hurst Family said...

You have great voice in your writing. I'm glad you've been blogging again so I can hear your thoughts.I really love you.

Unknown said...

I love this.
Grandma Susan