Sunday, March 18, 2012

Apparently 1:00 church is to early for me. I was late due to the fact that I was still sleeping at 12:45.
I often worry that I look like an idiot when I walk in heels. It's one of the few things I'm self-conscious about.
My hair comes in one style; braided.
I worry that this blog is slowly falling apart. Its silently becoming something I don't want to do anymore.
The future and job hunting are the worst. Currently keeping me up at night.
I've decided that when I grow up I'm going to open a cereal bar, while being a radiologist on the side, and replacing Laura bedoor as the DJ for show tune Saturday night.
I crochet Afghans. If you want one, let me know. They're pretty sweet.
I want someone to come over and watch Evita with me.
Nyquill makes me have weird and awkward dreams.
Its not even funny how bad I am at the game draw something. Drawing is most definitely not my strong suit.
If someone brought me a bacon cheeseburger with no tomatoes and some fries and a doctor pepper from jcw's, I would be their best friend for life. It's quite possible I crave it often.
The big bang theory and modern family. All day long.
If I developed some strange unheard of disease and then died from it, I would want them to first, name the disease after me, and second, make my case into an episode of House. With an alternate ending.
Graduation is in 72 days.
There is a plant in my windowsill that I've had for almost a year. Every month or so it will get these red flowers with yellow centers, and they remind me of summer.
High expectations.
There is a box of memories in my closet.
I have a secret blog. I made it when I was considering deleting this blog because it was getting to painful. I wrote on it twice, but both posts seemed to fake to take seriously.
Without Harry Potter references, life would be dull and uninspiring.
Baseball hats.
There is a list of the things I want out of life. Number one is "be awesome."
Why must we all be in such a hurry to grow up?
March is my favorite month. If you asked me why, I would say its because everyday becomes something unexpected, but the truth is, I love it because the days start to feel long again, and at the end its my birthday.
I have gotten into the habit of taping important papers to my mirror. Of corse, I think so many papers are important, there's a chance I'm running out of room to see myself.
She wrote me a letter that made me cry.
When all is said and done, and we all live in our own corner of what we consider happiness, I hope I  can look back at the person that I was trying to become and recognize that I made it. Battle scarred and bruised, but happy and whole. And I hope that I can look back at my journey and realize that it was because of you that I made it.

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