Wednesday, December 7, 2011

a little bit of awkwardness for your day

everyday i take a trip to the jr. high. my kid sister and her friend are not old enough to drive themselves, duh, they go to jr. high, so i stop by and pick them up. usually this trip is just a sit in the car and blog stalk on my phone kind of thing, but every so often, i will need to go inside to use the facilities. this was that kind of trip. i rush into the bathroom, and go into the closest stall. after i finished my bidness, i reach for some t-paper, but there is none. basically this is the most awkward position i've ever been in in my life. so i do some awkward searching of my back pack and come up with some tissues, not used, wipe myself, put on my pants, and run to the next stall. where there is still no t-paper. third times the charm though, and after i properly finish my bidness, i walk back to my car, and i think about how grateful i am that i don't go there any more. seriously. what kind of school does not supply enough toilet paper?


Unknown said...

kid sister?
also you blog stalk while you drive us?
also kid sister?

Cammie said...

also, really, you copy my blog and then you get mad when i call you kid sister?


PGJR that's what kind of school...

brooklyn rose said...

Hahaha. Awkward happenings. Welcome to my life. :)