Sunday, November 20, 2011

when dreams were made and used and wasted

there was a time when driving the suburban was a thrill,
and the swings were all i ever wanted to do.
when my hair was long and manageable,
and i believed my Hogwarts letter was en route.
writing in books was a sin, and i never needed to study.
a 27 was something to rejoice over, not mourn over.
fish were the best friends.
and white was worn often.
sleep was plentiful, and i read books for fun.
i had a favorite pair of shoes, and i rarely wore others.
i made up games to play,
and colored treasure maps.
high heels were a thing of the unforeseeable future.
barbies went to dances, and if my ken doll ever lost his head,
he was sent on a mission until a replacement could be purchased.
wandering around the neighborhood collecting potato bugs was my favorite pass time.
things have been easier.
hippacrates was never a man i admired,
high waisted skirts were for grown ups.
math was simple, and i never dremnt of it.
college wasn't a high priority, and grades were even less of one.
the world was waiting for me to find myself.
piano playing was procrastinated,
the past was the past.
and now i laugh to keep from crying.