Thursday, October 6, 2011

i want to shout it from the mountian

today has been the best day of my life.
once i was in a math class that is particularly hard for me, because clearly i am not a person who loves math. and once in that particularly hard (for me) math class, we took a test.
and i nearly cried because i studied so hard.
and i got a good luck sticker that said A+,
but after i took that test in that particularly hard (for me) math class, i started to doubt my mathing abilities, because based on previous test scores, math isn't my cup of tea.
and who thinks that "getting your test back in math" day is the worst day?
because i do.
and because today was, "get your test back in math" day, i thought it would suck.
but then i got my scores back.
and basically i peed my pants from joy.
ladies and gentlemen, this day is the best day of my life.

this is the best test score i have ever received.
its been a, "dance down the hall because you killed your math test" kind of a day.

1 comment:

Whitlie said...

Cammie, you're awesome :). And I'm glad I found your blog. Love it!