Wednesday, May 11, 2011

buddy are ya there, do you know what that means?

i was under the impression the quails couldn't fly.
but there is one just chilling on my mailbox, and unless it can jump really high, flight is the only possible way it got there.
i think its stuck.
and we keep making eye contact.
and its little floppy thing on its head is going crazy.
i think that means its mad.
and there is another one sitting on the street just looking at it.
quails are weird.
dear krispy kreame doughnuts.
please send me a free coupon.
thank you and good night.
love cammie rachelle.
my mom made me swithch over to the "healthey" bread. its gross.
and i hate it.
"Americans are fat."
"I think they prefer robust."
 the white stuff floating all around makes me think of to kill a mocking bird.
"the world is endin!"
"its just snowin scout."
i supose the end of the school year is pointless and meaningless and importantless.
i've had a sub in almost every class today,
and my air car finally goes.
thats an A.
and i really want to go on a hike.

1 comment:

Linds said...

Haha! "we keep making eye contact.".
I might just really really love that.