madi has become my grandma, and when she gets a blog i will be her first follower. i find her thoughts about life to be quite interesting.
i humiliate myself everyday. its no big deal. oh wait.
i was craving a sandwhich made of peanut butter and honey today, but instead i had cold pizza.
i've written more smiley faces in my journal the past couple of days then ever before. things have been looking up.
also, i wrtie the real smiley faces. not the whimpy sideways ones. drawn sidways smiley faces are my biggest pet peeve.
i have given clark kent my life. i watch him be awesome all the time. this is not a joke.
my dreams have been crazy. i wish i could record them and show them to everyone, becasue describing them to people does them no justice.
i'm not going to sweater swing. for two reasons.
A- my money is lost somewhere in target, or in someones pocket. without it, i haven't enough to go.
2- the only boy i want to go with has a girlfriend. and i make a total fool out of myself everyday i am around him, so i'm pretty sure he thinks i'm a total nerd who loves him. which i am, but i'd rather he didn't know that.
i'm having parties the day all of my student teachers return from wilst they came. i never thought it would be posstible to miss barnard.
i'm moving to mexico because i hate canada.
i get letters in the mail. when i write about it in my journal, it will be accompanied by around twenty smiley faces.
hosa. in less then a month. i might be freaking out.
also, free t-shirts rock.
i'm praying for my awesome friend quin preist who is having a portion of his brain removed becasue he has siezures. your prayers are welcome as well.
sports med labs are the best. especially the fact that its allowed to shot salty water in peoples mouths. hehe haley.
i find guys and dolls to be refreshing. especially mixed with a little south pacific.
on march first i'm making a paper chain counting down the days to my birthday. if you like, you can make one with me, my birthday is very important. i'd hate for you to forget what day it is.
i hate that there is snow on the ground. i hate it. i had to dig my car out of the snow today. its a good thing i've learned how to treat frost bite.
and here's a picture for your enjoyment.
please know that when this picture was taken we were in the middle of talking about how it looks like he's having a hard time on the potty. clearly me sam and jan are about two years old.