Saturday, January 22, 2011

once upon a time...

once upon a time we went to mexico.
once upon a time i sold my soul to the sun.
once upon a time i became a spanish cowgirl.
once upon a time amberly drank alcohol and my have gotten a hangover.
once upon a time injuries were caused while playing water basketball.
once upon a time i swam in the ocean.
once upon a time i swam with tame sea monsters.
once upon a time micheal became mr.cozumel.
once upon a time my first kiss was with a manatee.
once upon a time i bought almost real raybans.
once upon a time i was so excited to give presents.
once upon a time i pretended the air plane was a rocket.
once upon a time we went to mexico.

and it was a perfect happily ever after.


Janice {Run Far} said...

you're so cute. The picture of you kissing the Manatee is cute. Saw it on the family blog. Miss you!

amberly said...

i love this. and there was no hangover.