Tuesday, January 4, 2011

once i wrote a four page letter

My name is cammie rachelle, but i liked to be called cam. i like parmeson goldfish crackers, the t.v. shows Friends, and How I Met Your Mother, and i love musicals. june first was the best day of my life, i just didn't realize it until now. last year i lost someone i loved more then the world due to my own sutpidity, and i don't think i ever really told her sorry. i'm so grateful she could forgive me, and let me back into her life, even if it's not the same. sometimes i wish my dreams werereal, but i know that my life is the one i should be living. my best friends names are Amberly and Janna. they are my sisters and the two people i look up to more then anyone. i believe mistakes are made for a reason, and we should let them teach us, not burry us. crocheting and playing with clay are my stress relievers. i love JCW's burgers, and i want to fill my future home with priceless antiques, and furniture that doesn't match. i love robin hood, the B.B.C t.v. show version, and i wish i could be maid marian. i can sing every word to mike posners- please don't go, and i drink water from three liter arrowhead water bottles my mom buys for food storage. i have a plant named planty and a family of match box cars that live in my window sill. i am a hopless romantic, and my worst fear is living without finding the boy i will spend eternity with. i like the smell of fabric softener, and i can eat full tubs of movie theater popcorn all by myself. if sky mastison bet nate detroit one thousand dollars he could take me to havana, it would be the easiest thousand he'd ever make. it's something about the boys who sing. i have a hard time expressing how i feel. i'd rather let my feelings hide, which, as my mom ALWAYS tells me, is not healthy. i live for warm summer days, and i love being sun burnt. i wat to be a phlabotamist and and x-ray tech when i grow up. i find something fasinating in giving blood, and i'm counting down the days to when its my turn. i hate english projects where we have to create power points. i feel like they are a wast of time. i collect rings, especially the kind that turn my fingers green. i like to paint my finger nails red, and i wear my "Best cousnis" bracelet everyday. last februarty i promised my heavenly father i would read my scriptures and say m prayers everyday, and i've only missed two days since then. i keep secrets in the back of my phone that aren't quite secret. i hung the license plates from my Altima in my room because i loved that car so much. i often have a hard time letting things go. goodbyes are hard for me, so i try to avoid them. all year long i've been writing 2012. i will not be sad when  2010 is over. i like to put butter on my poptarts. someday i hope to become a trye aggie. i love to play bop-it, and it always makes me think about gilmore girls. i think marty mcfly is a fox, and i would marry him in a heartbeat. i love to watch it snow while drinking hot chocolate. i love to take pictures, but i hate being in them. i get distracted easily. my second home is in north logan. i love my family. they are amazing, but i sometimes forget that. my brother will always be my baby. i can be extremely over protective, especially over my friends, and i have a hard time letting people "in." sometimes i get lost in my thoughts, wondering what my life would be like if i'd done things diffrently. i like wearing t-shirts and sweats. i worry about things that are out of my control, and i don't take my responsibilities serious enought. i've learned the most about living life from erin  hardy and jeslie camp. i have two posters of taylor lautner hanging in my room. i stop texting when i get bored with the conversation, and i like playtex sports tampons. my favorite beatle is paul, but i have no idea why. i have to snuggies, and one has my name on it. i sign my jornal cammie rachelle, and i write letters to people in it. i love furneral potatos with cucumbers, and cooked carrots are my favorite vegtable, closely followed my cooked calliflower. i always have a pony tail on my wrist, but i hardly ever wear put my hair up unless its in a bun on the top of my head.. i never paint my toenails, but i always paint my fingernails. i can't wait for high school to be over. i love the princess bride and i can quote it in my sleep. i spend to much time doing nothing, and not enough time doing things.  i read a lot, and i like plays more then movies. especially those of the musical kind. i wish i could ride a light cycle with sam flynn, and i wish  logan huntsburger was my boyfriend. the only time i clean my room is when my mom bribes me with money. i am terifed of getting eye infections, and eye cancer runs in my family which makes me even more cautious about my eyes. i've dislocated my knee twice, and i've broken my pinky. i hate mathe, more then any subject ever invented, and i'm so excited to not take it next year. i stalk more blogs then i can even name. i'm scared i'm going to have twins and i'm not going to be able to handle them. i get annoyed with people easily, and i have no tact. i eat like a boy, and i eat way to much. my face drys like the desert in the winter. i collect tootsie pop wrappers with three full circles, and i have an obssesion of hanging things on my wall. sometimes i pretend to be something i'm not. my favortie scripture is alma 26:12, closely followed by D&C 68:6. i am not a morning person, and when i eat cheetos they remind me of sydnee. i have dog tags with my name on them that my dad made me. i love inside jokes, and i wish it was socially acceptable to wear t-shirts with highwaisted skirts. i have a tendency to blow things up into things they shouldnn't be. i sleep with for pillows, and i can't have my feet coverd. i love harry potter and artiemis fowl. i can rip and apple in half with just my hands, andmy grandma gave me a pineapple for christmas. when i'm having a hard time i just deal with it myself, and i don't let anyone help me which i'm trying to work on. i don't cry very much, but when i do its usually because i did something stupid that hurst someone else. i am a daughter of my heavenly father and i love him so much. my name is cammie rachelle, and i am living my life as best as i can so i can return to my heavenly father again someday.

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