Wednesday, May 26, 2010

there are two days of school left. not counting today.
tommorrow doesn't really count either. graduation.
i'm going.
not because i'm graduating, because my lovely sister is.
my lovely sister is going to college in september.
while she's there, she's going to get hitched to someone's wagaon, really quick.
because everyone is going to love her.
they might not love her as much as me, but they will love her, still the same.
she will pick the best one, because she always has. she has always picked the best people to surround herself with.
she's amazing like that.
she can always surround herself with the people who are going to help her grow to be better. i'm not sure how i got stuck into that group. probubly because i was born into her life, and he had no choice.
i'm glad i'm there.
she changes my life.
it's a good thing i have her.
she's one of my best friends.
i love her.
and the boy that wants to marry her had better be 100% worthy.
if he's not,
sorry! say goodbye to the best thing that could have happened to you.
to bad you weren't the best thing that could have happened to her.
amberly, i love you, more than kim loved chris, more than marius loved cosette. more than nellie loved emile. (a lot more that nellie loved emile). i love you more than peron loved evita, and more than a lot of other people that i cant think of right now.
you are the best sister.
i love you.
happy graduation.
love cammie


Janice {Run Far} said...

Oh my word... way to make me cry. What a lovely post and shout out to your big sis. Makes me miss my sisters, and my nieces. I am so sad I wont be there tomorrow to help celebrate.

Amberly said...

how did i get you for a sister?! you are so great. :) i love you sis. i'm going to miss you a lot. i love that you are my best friend.