Tuesday, March 11, 2008

birthday bash!!!

so, as many of you know, my birthday is in i don't know, like 20 days, and i need ideas for a birthday party!!! give me some ideas. Kayla already gave me the idea for a hairspray party. what was your favorite birthday? tell me...


Janice {Run Far} said...

My little Taylor is having a Hannah Montana Party- I know that is just what a 14 year old wants to do for her party, admit it.

Lydia said...

Arrie always loves to have a sleepover. I loved the year we did luah. But having friends around and laughing always ends up being fun.

Baldwincrew-blog said...

have a 80's party and have the best outfit contest. listen to
80's music. good luck with your party. love ya Frances